HVAC Cleaning with Robots and Video Streaming

Indoor Air Quality

Society is becoming more and more aware of the importance of breathing clean air which is free of pollutants, and particles, microbes, bocterio and other materials in suspension that can cause serious, and even chronic illnesses. Fortunately, there is a general worldwide trend towards approving laws to regulate the maintenance and hygiene of air-conditioning systems. The World Health Organization has defined the Sick Building Syndrome (58S) as a group of conditions caused by the contamination of the air in enclosed spaces, which may be caused by particles in suspension, mould, microbes or bacteria. Proper maintenance of air-conditioning systems, based on current legislation is the best way to ensure the indoor air quality.

  • No one is focusing on the fact that HVAC systems need regular cleaning and de-contamination once in 6 months.
  • The Saudi Health authority has made it mandatory for hospitals in KSA to have their HVAC systems cleaned and dis-infected by certified technicians once every 6 months.
  • Only dirt visible to the human eye is regularly cleaned.
  • For the first time RockVale.sa is providing video streaming from its robots in on HVAC cleaning assignments to owners/management of the building via an app/web portal.
  • Before and After videos as well as all cleaning assignments will be archived in the App.
  • The dirt in HVAC systems is caked to the walls of the HVAC and special robots are required for brushing, air pressured extraction.
  • These are used with a HEPA HVAC Vacuum connected directly to the vents in order to remove the dirt without contaminating the in room environment.
  • A lot of HVAC systems have never been cleaned since they were installed.

  • People walking into these buildings are at risk of fungal infections and in the case of hospitals can be exposed to lethal bacteria which can be life threatening.

  • After HVAC systems are cleaned thoroughly they are sanitized using robots which are put into the vents.

Motorized hosed brushes which also have video cameras attached to them are used to clean those areas which are heavily caked.

Air Pressured hosed brushes are also used in conjunction with motorized brushes to completely remove all contaminated materials.

Any shape and size of HVAC ducts can be catered for by RockVale.

Soot and other solid particles produced during stoves, boilers & chimneys combustion, are deposited over smoke extraction duct walls.

These deposits reduce the shot of the chimney, causing a decrease of equipment performance and increasing energy consumption.

Dirty ducts produce also bad smells and increase burning risks.

Special HEPA Air Pressure Vacuums are used which are connected directly to the vents so that the dust does not escape into the rooms.

These are large industrial size HEPA vacuums which are specially manufactured for the cleaning of HVAC vents.

While some HVAC vents are quite visible that they have a lot of dirt and contamination collected in them, others will be cleaned from outside superficially.

Some older vents are lined with insulation and fabric and cannot be cleaned using conventional brushing systems.

RockVale’s robots spray a rubber liner inside these vents to seal contamination and prevent the fabric from fraying and disintegrating.


Disinfection Module

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